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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My advice to everyone, NEVER room up with a best friend, it is a sure way of ending your friendship!  My friendship with my best friend ended because we moved in together.  It is sad but what can you do?  Just have to move on.  I will however say this, I did mention to her that I was not sure about moving in with each other because I know that I am difficult to live with and that I did not want our friendship to end.  She told me that if I didn't go through with what we agreed, THAT would be reason for her to never talk to me again.  So I felt that I had to move in with her just because I did not want to ruin our friendship.  Regardless, it ended, either way.  We had a lot of indifferences.  Make sure that you communicate everything that needs to be communicated between roommates.  

Let me begin by going back to this past summer when we first moved in with each other.  It was great and we were hanging out all the time.  I had an internship so my time was split between working the internship while she was at home.  Our place was soon to be known as the party house.  Everynight we always had people over.  It was full of fun nights as WELL as dramatic nights.  We had a friend who loves drama.  He loves to create drama and tension between people.  Not to mention he loves to slander people and just talks ill about people simply because he finds it amusing.  I personally think he is just jealous of those he talked about.  Not to mention, my former best friend invited someone who I used to be friends with to our apartment complex, even though I had asked her never to invite her to our apartment.  She went behind my back while I was sleeping, and invited her.  When I woke up, this friend told me that she was at the pool and that really upset me.  My best friend at that time knows how much that I did not like this girl and she still invited her over to our complex without telling me.  It was fine.  I got over it.  I also had asked my former roommate to not invite this other guy over to our place either.  I need to clarify he's this big Latin guy who claims he's from Argentina and claims that his mother bought an Hermes belt for him, which we found out that he had stolen from a friend of ours, as well as stole my best friend's boyfriend's sunglasses, and she agreed that she wouldn't.  I never told her to not be friends with these people anymore, I simply just didn't want them in my place of residence.  We had a nice conversation and we made an agreement and she told me that she would not invite them over anymore.  And a few days later, when I return from my internship, who do I see in our apartment?  The guy that I had asked not to be invited to our place.  I was very hurt by my roomates actions.  I understood that she didn't have a car, didn't have a job, so she was stuck there in our apartment, but why did she go behind my back and invite him over without even letting me know.  I had to see him at our apartment when I got home and he is extremely loud and all I wanted to do was go relax in my apartment but how can you relax while your roommate disregards you in that manner, and not to mention the guy who I did not want there was there?  I never voiced up because I just wanted to let it slide.  

This guy and I made up later and we were friends again, but until I found out that he mistreated my really good friend and also that we found he had stolen from our friends, but this is besides the point.  I am no longer friends with someone like him and people who still stay friends with him, needs to know that he can do this to his "bestfriends" that he can do this to anyone!

My roommate told me that her brother was coming through to Dallas, on his way to Mexico, and he was going to stay with us for a few days.  Which of course, that would be more than okay for her brother to stay with us for a few days, after he is her brother.  So my roommate and I agreed that we needed some sort of entertainment and she could not put the tv under her name and I couldn't either because I didn't have any credit, so I put it under my caretaker's name.  Everything that I had was under my caretaker's name.  My cell phone, in which I put her under the plan, the electricity, as well as the satelite dish which I called to have installed.  It was not too long into our summer that she met this guy and a week later or so, they were in a relationship and right after that we installed the satelite dish.  I was so happy that she had found a guy who she could be serious with.  She and I always talked about how tired we were just meeting random guys and what not.  I told her as long as she is happy that's all that matters, and I will be happy for her as well.  As their relationship developed her brother was just days away from getting into Dallas.  When he got there, I found out that his trip to Mexico got cancelled so he was going to be staying longer with us.  That to me was not a problem at all.  But what became a problem to me was that when he leaves the apartment, he doesn't turn the lights off and that he would leave the refrigerator door ajar and things would melt.  I didn't care that he was there, he is her brother and her blood, but because she isn't the only one paying the bills, it is an understood thing that someone who is staying with us for that long period of time, should respect me who is not his family member and turn the lights off when he's not there.  He goes to our club house and use the internet there because I didn't install the internet because it was free at the clubhouse.  And he would be in there all night long and when I come home, the lights would be on and no one would be there.  So for me who has to pay half the bills would not want to have to pay for wasted electricity.  I'll admit I am frugal and I have to be because my parents give me an allowance per month and that is what I have to go by for monthly expenses.  My main reason in moving in with my best friend at the time was to be able to save the money that my parents gave me so that I can spend it on other things such as clothes, shoes, eating, and going out.  Also, another thing that bothered me was the fact that my roommate would leave her brother to be at our apartment almost every night, until her mom came, to go stay with her boyfriend, leaving her 15 years old brother alone at our place.  That was not a comfortable feeling for me.  But I never really said anything to her, and I guess that was my fault, I expressed what I was going through with my other friends though.  And most of them, if not all of them, thought that was not too cool of her to do and the fact that her brother was leaving the lights on for hours and hours when he isn't there, wasn't too cool either.  

The apartment is half mine after all I am paying for half of it as well as half of all the bills.  I would like to come home and be able to feel like I am at home, which I wouldn't have a problem doing so if I lived alone, but I didn't.  I would try to respect her by not inviting dates over and what not because that would not be cool of me to have dates over while her 15 years old brother was staying with us.  Which meant that I could not normally do things in the comfort of my place and not to mention to have privacy either.  BUT one thing she never communicated to me was that she was going to leave her brother at our place every night to go to her boyfriend's place.  She just automatically felt because she pays for half the place that she can leave him there while she's not there.  I really want to know if anyone would be okay with that?  I just want my reader's opinion.  Would anyone out there be okay with that action?  And of course her boyfriend is fine with that because he gets to be with his girlfriend.  So as the weeks flew by and her brother had been staying at our place for quite a while, 4 or 5 weeks, and I was just getting irritated by her just leaving him there and he just leaving the lights on and what not.  And not to mention she would leave her brother at a party to go be with her boyfriend which I find funny because he left a 15 year old boy to drink while she wasn't there.   This big Latino guy and I kinda coerced him to try something that made her mad after she found out.  But they took him to a bar at 15 years old and got him drunk.  Now this has way worst consequences on the people involved if the police were to be involved.  But they don't think things like that.  And when she left him at the party, she made him our responsibility, he's her responsibility, and once again if the police were to be near by and had stopped in for something, which probably isn't too likely, not as much as the bar scenario, we all could have been in serious trouble for getting an underage kid drunk.  But private scenarios usually don't have the same problems as the public bar scenarios.  Anyway, by the time our utility bills got to us, I asked her if it would be cool that we could split the utility bills three ways because he did leave lights on and not to mention the television on, while he was away at the guesthouse on the internet.  And let me remind you, he was in there for hours and hours which meant that the electricity had been on for hours and hours.  I never get the chance to watch tv because he would be watching soccer or other things as a 15 year old boy from another country would be entertained by because he doesn't have anything else to do, so I asked my roommate if it's cool if we could separate that into thirds.  She was FURIOUS with me.  She was disgusted that I could even ask her to do such a thing.  She said when her mother comes into town, she would withdraw the money to cover the expenses.   And that day she brings the money, I wanted to talk to her because I wanted her to see my point as to why I wanted her to pay 2/3's of the bills.  She didn't want to hear it.  She never wants to hear anything when she's mad.  But then she said that he is her brother, not some random person, he is a part of her, what he uses is what she uses.  The reason that she got a place was so that she could have her family stay there when they're in town.  Well I understood her point, but she didn't understood my point, so I said that just keep the money, because it's not about the money, she was very angry and said "nah uh" you wanted the cash, so you take it.  It wasn't all about the money.  Mainly, it was the fact that I wanted her to respect the fact that I was living there also.  In her head she blamed me for making her feel like crap.  But what she didn't realize also, was that she was making me feel like crap as well.  My roommate was a very good friend, I could say that was a selfish move on her behalf, but she isn't selfish.  She was always there for me when I felt like crap and I'm crying my eyes out and what not.  But in another sense, she was selfish as well.  She didn't realize by leaving her brother there and him leaving the lights on and wasting electricity was disrespecting me as well.  Since she didn't feel that it was, she didn't think I would feel that way.  Which sucked because we had a falling out because of that.  We then got over that and became best friends again.  That's what best friends do, they fight and they get over things, right?  So by this time, her brother had left our place, and a friend of mine came to stay in Dallas.  And she took my roommates room and I failed to mention that she was going to stay with us.  I told her that she could put her things up in her room.  I didn't know that she was going to tear the place apart.  My roommate came home to get some things, because she practically is staying over her boyfriend's place and sees her room in disastrous condition.  And she had every right to be pissed off at me because my guest took her room apart and I didn't inform her that she was at our place.  I fully take all responsibility for the inactive part on my behalf.  And I felt horrible that she came back to her place and it looked like hell in there.  Which I didn't know that it would look like that but when I went into look it did.  And once again our friendship suffered from that.  Then we made up again.  And we were hanging out on our special day that we had together which were Fridays.  And until one night, about 3 or 4 weeks before I had to move out of the country, I had friends over.  I had my own bottles of wine and my neighbor/friend also brought over two bottles of wine.  With my guests and myself, totalled up to 5 of us there.  After we drank our third bottle of wine, my neighbor asked me if he could open up another bottle, and I had another bottle left, the tempranillo, of course he could open it.  I went into the room to do something as I was feeling quite drunk (I am of legal age to drink, by the way) and he accidentally open my roommate's bottle of wine.  It happened to be a special gift from her parents.  When I came out, he had already poured the wine to everyone else, and when I found out I was extremely pissed off because I knew how my roommate was going to react and it was confirmed when she said she didn't want to be friends anymore.  I told her what had happened and all she said was I don't need to explain why I'm dissapointed, you should know your wrongs and one night even went as far as to saying that I screwed her over with her brother... which she never told her parents that she left him alone at our place to go over to her boyfriend's place every night... so, there you have it... i'm not in the right and neither is she.  but to throw away your friendship over a bottle of wine just seems to be very petty immature, which means that she and her boyfriend makes a great pair because he is also immature, if you guys read the last post, you will see why...  so tell me this, is this something to throw your friendship away??  or does it sound immature?  

Just venting!

Hi everyone, 

I have realized that I have abandoned my blog for an extremely, extremely long time now but I feel that it is time to get back on to blogging again.  This might sound like I am venting, and maybe yes it is, but someone once told me that sometimes it just helps to write down what your'e feeling.  So this is exactly what I am going to do.  

I had recently moved out of America where I have lived for so long.  It was very sad for me.  I remember the car ride to the airport and one of my best friends, who was like a brother to me, took me there.  I remember crying very hard that I could not even speak.  I was overwhelmed with so many different emotions.  And I was not crying because I was going to miss Dallas, the city where I was living, but it was because I was going to miss my wonderful friends.  In the past few years while being in Dallas, I have made some amazing friends as well as some not so amazing friends.  I have ended friendships with people who I felt were negative influences on me or people who had bad morals.  But the one friendship that I did not want to end, still ended because, for the lack of better words, there were no lines of communications between us.  I was very sad because this person was one of my best friends.  What compelled me to blog again was simply the fact that her boyfriend had commented on one of my facebook's status.  

(If you all do not know what facebook is, which is surprising if you don't know what it is, it is a social media networking site where all of your friends around the globe all can connect via the website.  It's great ONLY for that.)

My facebook status stated that I was accepted at Mahidol Univeristy as well as the National University in Singapore to continue my education, or should I go back to America.  And her ex-boyfriend, who is someone that I actually respected, and someone who I thought was great for my former best friend, responded "u should stay there."  I find it very funny because I had been gone for nearly two months now and I actually never have been to his facebook page ever since I added him as a friend, but to my surprise he wrote something using the nickname that he gave me, and sayng that he's glad that I am gone.  Which is perfectly fine with me.  His girlfriend does not like me anymore so he has no point in liking me either BUT what I do find funny is that he obviously cared enough to go down my list of statuses just to write that on my wall.  Which means that he has way too much time on his hand and not to mention extremely immature.  I never had anything against him even though most of my friends seemed to.  And they would ask me why is she with this guy, he is really old!  And yes he is a lot older than her, 14 years older, but I think she's in love with him and she told me that she was happy with him, so what is there to judge?  As long as she's happy with him and that he treats her well, that's all that mattered.  One former friend, a gay guy, would always tell me that for some reason he just didn't like him.  And that he is too old for her and would always make fun of his gray hair, but beacause this guy provided him with "goodies" the gay guy would be "fake" towards him because of these goodies.  And not to mention most of my friends would react the same way and ask me the same questions, why is she with him?  And that is exactly what I would tell them, he makes her happy, enough said.  But now, I still love my my friend very much so, and would still consider her one of my best friends, but with how immature this guy is to be incredibly petty as to write something like that on his and my wall makes me respect him a lot less.  (Of course he was targeting me so therefore I would feel that way regardless.)  However, someone who is like that and who would write that just leads me to think maybe this guy isn't all that great in the first place.  Yes, he doesn't have any reasons to be my friends or even like me anymore, but I feel that even if that were the case, he should be more respectful.  Not even my former best friend would write anything like that, she simply would just ignore that person and act like that person never existed.  Which leads me to think if he can be like that even after the friendship ending, how would he be like if she were to ever end things with him.  Not that it would happen, but it could.  This could potentially be forshadow of who this person really is especially when this person is almost forty years old.  The point that I am trying to make is simple, just because this person appears to be nice on the outside, that doesn't mean it is true on the inside.  What does everyone think, I would love to hear your opinion on the subject!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What does being FAKE mean to you??

Okay, so I've been thinking about this topic as of lately... (to be exact, the past 5 or 6 months), and I want to fully understand the state of mind that some girls go through... I understand that people feel the need to act fake because it would come off as being rude, if they be honest and give their honest opinions...  

I suppose that I have never been the kind of person who believes in being fake.  And I am not talking about girls who highlight their hair, wear fake nails, go to the local tanning salon, etc...etc... But what I do mean by this is about how someone acts towards you and in front of others.  Being fake just reminds me of those 40 something year-olds who work at the Neiman Marcus cosmetics department.  I remember one time when I went to the YSL (Yves St. Laurent cosmetics counter) and this extremely jolly homosexual guy, super hilarious and just jolly like ol St. Nick, was as sweet as he can be, however he put on some of the tackiest things on my face, that I just wanted to jump up and take that blush brush and make him hush!  OOOhh, it was definitely, TACKELICIOUS!  He was only a make up artist, so he doesn't make commission off what he does, however the sales associates do, and they were all lined up to tell me that I looked absolutely gorgeous, but I was thinking in my mind, how the hell do these people get off and tell me I looked gorgeous when I looked like something that you eat that gets puked up from an all night of partying and drinking.... CHILD I looked ALL sorts of messed up... but those fake ladies definitely know how to make you feel special though!  (hence the sarcasm!!)

BUT why would anyone want or need to feel special about fakeness?? OBVIOUSLY there are people out there who must be lonely and feel so uninspired that they have to have people like those ladies at Neiman Marcus, to make them feel special.  These are the ladies who married up and realized that by doing so she made a mistake because she's in a loveless marriage kind of deal.  The ones where she used to be a brunette but found herself becoming blonder and blonder every 6 to 8 weeks because her husband likes the way her hair looks in the sun! haha but does everyone appreciate someone who is fake over someone who is real and straight forward?  The person who is not going to let you walk out somewhere and look a fool?  I, myself, cannot stand someone who is fake but it did seem to me that at one point, I was only surrounded by fake girls... hmm... maybe instead of shopping at Neiman Marcus for my cosmetics, I should just go to Saks instead!  Maybe they'll have "real" sales associates instead of fake ones! lol or maybe, I just did the right thing and stopped hanging out with these fake girls??  

SO what does fake mean to me?  It means that you are the girl who go gets tanned, who gets acrylic nails, who highlights her hair, and THEN claim that she was naturally born that way! haha it's like saying that you weigh 115 lbs when you really weigh like 165!  

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dallas' nightlife

It's crazy to know how many people exist in this world.  It's even crazier to know that there are millions of people in Dallas alone.  So where do these millions of people go out at night and on the weekends??

Uptown Dallas seems to be the hit spot of the moment.  This is where many young professionals come to live and try to find someone to "hook up with" for the evening.  I know some guy who admittedly told me that he has had sex with over 100 girls... let me hear you people say, EEOOWW all at the same time...

GROSS!  How can anyone do that?  I'm sorry I know what kinds of girls are out there especially the ones that go out in Dallas.  I've been to Addison, Lower Greenville, Uptown, and Downtown... and so far the best place to party would have to be Uptown.  I'm sorry, I never seen so many classless people in my entire life!  In Addison, it's where all the white trash come out to play... and I use this term loosely because not all of those who go there are, but many, yes... I've seen girls who wear extreme bootie shorts who wears platform flip flops.  Yes platform flip flops, the ones that are like 3 inches high all the way around and are flip flops!  I mean, it was cool back when I was twelve, but COME on, the girl had to have been like in her 30's!  YIKES!  Reliving your glory days isn't cool anymore... I'm sorry, whatever happen to dressing appropriately for your age??  That doesn't mean that you have to wear a button down cardigan and a full length A-line skirt, but it does mean, you should try to look sexy in a more mature way.  Someone I was friends with once told me, that the reason why she doesn't like going to Uptown is because there is too much competition for her.  This is a girl who LOVES to receive attention from guys, but not just any guys, the ugliest trashiest dirtiest looking guy out there, however in Addison.  HMM... but I guess we all have to get our kicks, right?  To me I'd rather not be hit on ugly guys, because instead of getting a big head from ugly guys, it makes me feel, what the flying fuck is wrong with me?  Why am I getting hit on by some buck tooth, Willie?? Ha ha, well I guess we all just have different standards... and different ways of looking at things... But anywho, Addison's nightlife is definitely a lot more laid back, but definitely not a place where I would want to be seen at... just NOT my thing!

Which leads to my question, why would anyone want to hook up with anyone that go to those bars??  And not trying to sound arrogant by any means, I feel that I'm usually one of the best looking girls at those places... and that is why this person does not go out to Uptown a lot because she would be considered "below average" there then she would in Addison.


So what does it mean to be a fashionista?  Well... I currently live in Dallas and so it seems that many people who live here are yet, still a few seasons behind.  Of course there are your individuals who do not follow the fashion trend, bravo to you guys, however looking at some of the clothes that the girls wear, it's like what are they thinking??

Ed Hardy seems to be quite a popular thing at this moment... UNFORTUNATELY for me, I find it extremely distasteful.  I mean who would want to pay that amount for paint splattered shirts?  I can go to Target, btw I LOVE Target lol, and get a Hanes t-shirt and get some fabric paint and just start smearing all over it, and finally put some shoes on a little toddler and have him walk or crawl all over it!  Saves you the $140 on something people claim to be "art".  I don't think so!  So let's think about it for a second shall we?  In order to be a fashionista, you do not have to wear designer collections from head to toe, i.e. Prada, Gucci, Dior, Nina Ricci, Lanvin, etc, etc... however, you have to have a style all on your own!  Copying people's style seems to be the trend around here... and there are some girls who like to think people are copying their styles and has a big head about it... But you know what?  Chances are you probably copied someone else's style! LOL

Take the movie, The Devil Wears Prada, in the scene where Miranda says that Andrea was trying to exempt herself from the fashion world by wearing that hideous cable knit sweater, however it was selected for her by the people in that room... SO does anyone really have their own sense of style?  Probably not.  However we all can believe that we do.  I feel the best way to be a fashionista is to have someone look at your outfit and say wow, that's quite unique and different, but at the same time wearable, sexy and cool... however, to me, Ed Hardy, is definitely not cool, instead of calling the brand Ed Hardy, they should call Ed, I'm a huge douche bag, Hardy because for the most part, anyone who wears that brand, tend to be a huge douche bag, just ask anyone who works at Suite, in Dallas!

Monday, July 6, 2009


It's actually just me sitting down and being bored... but please check me out! lol

MTV's 16 and pregnant!

There are reasons why trashy people shouldn't procreate... one of the main reasons is if you're ugly, PLEASE PLEASE do all of society a favor and just not procreate!  The world cannot take anymore ugly people!!  But I guess today's blog isn't about ugly people procreating, but about dumbass 16 years olds that are!  OMFG, what the f*ck is wrong with the picture here?  So today I was watching MTV's 16 and Pregnant... and this past week's episode (rerun) is about a half black and white girl with her obviously smart fiance (this is where I turn around to the readers and roll my eyes haha bc that was just pure sarcasm! haha) ... anyway, hmm... let's see... where does one begin to blog about this topic... 

WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???  I sit there and watch their parents being moronic, I'm sorry, if I were 16 again and having sex... (which I did not because I didn't even know what the fuck a penis looked like or a condom, and did not even know how a condom works!)  my parents would've kicked the living shit out of me! THE LIVING SHIT!!  Their parents in this episode was like low class willies who obviously did not seem to give a rat's ass about what their teenagers are doing... AND I'm sorry just because you do not allow your child access to your car, does not mean that it prevented him from lickin it before stickin it! Just looking at these little kids, yes, kids, they're not smart enough to be called a teenage or a young adults, and if you act like a child, you SHOULD BE treated like a child!!  Their parents were all like, oh 'Joshua, we talked to you about sex since you were ten' oohh pulease, as if that would do anything!  You have to scare these little fuckers about life because they think that the sky is the limit... unfortunately honey, it ain't... mmm Hmm... 

In one of the scene, the boy asks his mom for permission in order to stay over with his girl, Ebony, even after finding out she's pregnant.  The favorite quote of the week has to go to Ebony "My baby daddy has to get permission to sleep over with me!" hahaha this is where I would be calling you a dumb ass, but since you already embarrassed yourself to the world, I will be nice, (even though I already, kinda did haha)... but still such a hilarious quote nonetheless!

Little children shouldn't be having children!  Just because you have a cave and he has an eel... I understand that eels have the needs to visit a friendly warm cave, but DON'T!  It ain't so friendly after that cave is stretched out because of a baby popping out of it!  At least think of your vagina before having a kid!  Yo shit will be all stretched out and loose and that is not cute girlfriend!  Not cute at all!  No one wants a loose puss... and does she actually think that her boyfriend, who joined the air force, will come back and still be in love with her, it could happen, I mean ANYTHING is possible, (just read one of my earlier blogs, entitled, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE) But to answer this question, HEELLL No he won't!  His eel would get all horny and feel all slimy and want to go find another cave, especially these military boys being locked up with only guys, their eels will definitely want to come out and play!  

Home girl looks all sorts of jacked up, obviously she's not smart (don't get me started on the boy, he definitely looks like a winner) anyway, she couldn't even pronounce 'croissant'... she called it "crescent" LMAO! Yes, now I know it is a French word and clearly she's American, but damn... if you don't know how to pronounce a freakin piece of bread, how in the hell do you expect to raise another human being???  OMFG, I wanted to kick their parent's asses and both of their asses because it seemed like they think this shit will be easy... HOMEGIRL, it ain't, okay'??  AND SHE HAD THE NERVES TO COMPLAIN THAT SHE CAN'T DO ANYTHING BECAUSE OF HER PREGNANCY... Uh HELLO, wtf do you think being a parent is, dandelions and butterflies?  Homegirl needs to think twice.   She was complaining about how fat she has gotten, she couldn't fit into a prom dress, and that she couldn't enlist in the air force because of the pregnancy, but the worst part of this whole mess, is that she more then likely will stay a fat ass post pregnancy... she weighed in at 164 lbs while pregnant, but I do not foresee her losing that baby weight, I mean does she not know what HER mom looks like? haha anyways... the bottom line is, DO NOT HAVE SEX IF YOU ARE NOT AN ADULT!  I know this won't prevent any future teen pregnancies, but if you are a teenage and you must fulfill your sexual needs, please use a condom!  Girls, remember, your va jay jay will never be the same post pregnancy and teen relationships, for the most part, always seem to end.  There are not many guys out there that will want to be the child's step father and as harsh as it sounds, it's the truth... the world is a cruel place and being a teenage mother, it is even worst if you're poor, the world gets even more gray, so PLEASE use a condom.