WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? I sit there and watch their parents being moronic, I'm sorry, if I were 16 again and having sex... (which I did not because I didn't even know what the fuck a penis looked like or a condom, and did not even know how a condom works!) my parents would've kicked the living shit out of me! THE LIVING SHIT!! Their parents in this episode was like low class willies who obviously did not seem to give a rat's ass about what their teenagers are doing... AND I'm sorry just because you do not allow your child access to your car, does not mean that it prevented him from lickin it before stickin it! Just looking at these little kids, yes, kids, they're not smart enough to be called a teenage or a young adults, and if you act like a child, you SHOULD BE treated like a child!! Their parents were all like, oh 'Joshua, we talked to you about sex since you were ten' oohh pulease, as if that would do anything! You have to scare these little fuckers about life because they think that the sky is the limit... unfortunately honey, it ain't... mmm Hmm...
In one of the scene, the boy asks his mom for permission in order to stay over with his girl, Ebony, even after finding out she's pregnant. The favorite quote of the week has to go to Ebony "My baby daddy has to get permission to sleep over with me!" hahaha this is where I would be calling you a dumb ass, but since you already embarrassed yourself to the world, I will be nice, (even though I already, kinda did haha)... but still such a hilarious quote nonetheless!
Little children shouldn't be having children! Just because you have a cave and he has an eel... I understand that eels have the needs to visit a friendly warm cave, but DON'T! It ain't so friendly after that cave is stretched out because of a baby popping out of it! At least think of your vagina before having a kid! Yo shit will be all stretched out and loose and that is not cute girlfriend! Not cute at all! No one wants a loose puss... and does she actually think that her boyfriend, who joined the air force, will come back and still be in love with her, it could happen, I mean ANYTHING is possible, (just read one of my earlier blogs, entitled, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE) But to answer this question, HEELLL No he won't! His eel would get all horny and feel all slimy and want to go find another cave, especially these military boys being locked up with only guys, their eels will definitely want to come out and play!
Home girl looks all sorts of jacked up, obviously she's not smart (don't get me started on the boy, he definitely looks like a winner) anyway, she couldn't even pronounce 'croissant'... she called it "crescent" LMAO! Yes, now I know it is a French word and clearly she's American, but damn... if you don't know how to pronounce a freakin piece of bread, how in the hell do you expect to raise another human being??? OMFG, I wanted to kick their parent's asses and both of their asses because it seemed like they think this shit will be easy... HOMEGIRL, it ain't, okay'?? AND SHE HAD THE NERVES TO COMPLAIN THAT SHE CAN'T DO ANYTHING BECAUSE OF HER PREGNANCY... Uh HELLO, wtf do you think being a parent is, dandelions and butterflies? Homegirl needs to think twice. She was complaining about how fat she has gotten, she couldn't fit into a prom dress, and that she couldn't enlist in the air force because of the pregnancy, but the worst part of this whole mess, is that she more then likely will stay a fat ass post pregnancy... she weighed in at 164 lbs while pregnant, but I do not foresee her losing that baby weight, I mean does she not know what HER mom looks like? haha anyways... the bottom line is, DO NOT HAVE SEX IF YOU ARE NOT AN ADULT! I know this won't prevent any future teen pregnancies, but if you are a teenage and you must fulfill your sexual needs, please use a condom! Girls, remember, your va jay jay will never be the same post pregnancy and teen relationships, for the most part, always seem to end. There are not many guys out there that will want to be the child's step father and as harsh as it sounds, it's the truth... the world is a cruel place and being a teenage mother, it is even worst if you're poor, the world gets even more gray, so PLEASE use a condom.
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