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Friday, July 3, 2009


Okay, so I found out that some slutty girl that I used to hang out with is now married! this is like MAJOR OMG... Like the OMG of Heidi Montag and Spencer Kimball getting married OMG, but like even more OMGer!  This girl is like the biggest slut that I have ever known! She has been with like probably 200 + guys... can we scream SLOOCHIE (this is a term that I coined, combining a slut and a hoochie... SLUT +Hoochie + sloochie! simple math!) anyways, I have seen this girl have sex with two guys at once and on the very same day, she had just fucked like 3 other guys... I feel super bad for the girls that dates the guy that she's been with, I mean she probably has every STDs in the books!  You got to feel bad for the husband... ha ha or think he's the stupidest white trashiest guy out there for even thinking this girl could be "pure" I mean I've seen this girl change her tampon and a little blood out of her vagina slid down her leg... took her finger wiped it off and then she licked it!  I wanted to throw up so bad!  Let's just say this girl is the skankiest skank of them all... but if she can get married??? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! SO if you ever doubt yourself and think that you're not good enough for whatever or whoever... STOP IT! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  The sky is the limit! Just take the skankiest skank of them all as a beacon of hope!  Don't matter if you're fat, ugly, walk with a gimp leg... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! And when you are feeling down and in the dumps, just think, the skankiest skank of them all just got married! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! so stop feeling sorry for yourself and raise your hope because... (what did I say?) ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  Hope everyone will be enjoying their Independence Day because ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! :)

1 comment:

  1. ewwwwww. That's nasty.
    You're right. Anything is possible in the world if you want it.
