It all dawned on me that most gay guys are nothing but bitchy queens, just ask any sales girl about the queens who work at Barney's shoes... they all get around and just gossip gossip gossip... hmm... but I thought they are suppose to be like your gay boyfriend?? Who else but gay men, can girls feel comfortable sharing with them their deepest darkest secrets?? often about the current guys in their lives... you know penis size, the way they kiss, the way they giggle when you lick, I mean, tickle their "sensitive spots"... yes, girls, guys too have "sensitive spots"! hahaha anywho... but these bitchy queens are our friends but yet they are the first ones to greet you, "hey slut" or "hey bitch" you know like it's okay to call us a slut or a bitch... we laugh of course and accept it, because, well frankly, gay guys are basically girls! but if a straight guy calls us sluts and bitches, wouldn't you want to bitch slap his ass all the way to 2020? I mean, why is it okay for fags, I'm not a hater I just like using the word, to call us sluts and bitches, talk to us like we are so awesome and shit, but turn around and run their mouths about us to the next bitchy queen? I mean come on! Of course the fall lines of Haute Couture around the world would be a hot mess if it weren't for these bitchy queens, and we wouldn't know what kinds of colors would look good on our faces, and the art world would never be the same, but I mean, basically, gay guys are straight guys who like to fuck other guys... homosexual or straight, does it make a difference? If we allow these fags, again not using this in a derogatory sense especially since I love the fags, to talk to us in this matter we girls are basically saying that it is okay for ANY human creature that has a 2 inch penis the size of two french fries, melted into one, to walk all over us and give in to what I call "a man's world"! We girls work hard not to be slaves to a guy, unless you're Suzy fucking homemaker, but I'm not a damn homemaker, I'm a bright, independent, college student! And I feel that we should not even let gay guys talk down to us in that manner! So are gay guys a girl's best friend??? HELL TO THE NO they are not! They are just some bitchy queens who are just jealous because we can get hot boyfriends and all they got are the shoes that they sell! (no offense to shoes salesman, because without them, my outfits would not be complete) And yes it is true, when we go to any establishments like S4, a gay club in Dallas, odds of us getting hit on is slim to NO CHANCE in hell, but if you are there with a straight guy, you best believe that these aggressive, so called "men" will pull your hair and push you against the steel bar, just so that they can get a chance to be with the sole straight guy... thus making them worse than a straight guy because gay guys think and believe that they can get away with these types of behaviors because they too are just like girls, unfortunately, NOT REALLY!
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